CHEST OPENS AND CLOSES WITH THE STEADY STREAM OF BUBBLES: the treasure chest cover rises and falls with the bubbles to reveal the treasure inside.
PROVIDES MUCH NEEDED AERATION FOR YOUR TANK: bubbles escape the chest to provide your tank with much needed air. Requires air pump and standard 3/16” tubing (not included).
EXPLORE PENN PLAX FOR EVERYTHING YOUR PET REQUIRES: keep enhancing your aquarium with Penn Plax Action Ornaments alongside various other decorations and accessories.
AIR DRIVEN ORNAMENTS BRING ANIMATION TO YOUR TANK: the real motion air driven ornament’s movements provide fun and entertaining action while aerating your tank.
MADE OF FISH SAFE AND DURABLE MATERIAL: the Penn Plax Aerating Treasure Chest is made from a durable plastic resin that is safe for your freshwater and saltwater / marine tank.